Association Of Meteorologists Of Cameroon
Purpose and objective of your Society:
a) The defense of the interests of the group;
b) The promotion of meteorology in Cameroonian society;
c) The creation of cohesion between members;
d) The contribution to reducing the impacts of climate change and improving the adaptation of populations to these impacts
Acronym: AMECAM
Country or Region: Cameroon
Established Since: May 07, 2022
Number of Members: 50 for the moment. Registrations still going on
Current President:
Society Email:
Name of general body member assigned by your society as AfMS contact and his/her contact
info: NDICHOUT MOLOU Emmanuel Lamblun
(+237) 655 35 15 00 /673 19 88 50
Other Society Information:
Twitter : @AMECAM2022
Facebook page: Amecam Officiel