
If you are interested in collaboration in (1) Research, (2) Conference, (3) International Opportunities Available and (4) International Opportunities Requested, please Identify the collaboration type (one of the above) and forward the following information to the email address:[email protected]


Please send the Request with the following information to [email protected].

  1. Name of the Requestor of Collaboration:
  2. Name of Requestor’s Society:
  3. Country of Requestor:
  4. Unless it is an open invitation to all Societies, please specify the names of the preferred countries from where collaboration is sought:
  5. Short description of requested Collaboration
  6. Your email address:

Please send the Request with the following information to [email protected].

  1. Society requesting Collaboration in Conference
  2. Name of the Contact from Requesting Society:
  3. Email Address of above Contact:
  4. When is the Conference planned for:
  5. Collaboration alternatives:
    1. Attendance
    2. Paper Presenters
    3. Organize a session
    4. Endorse/Sponsor
  6. Open Invitation / or Specific Invitation:
  7. If Specific, name(s) of invited societies:
  8. Your contact email:
  9. Any additional: comments:
International Opportunities Available

Please send the Request with the following information to [email protected].

  1. Name of Organization:
  2. Name of the Contact:
  3. Email Address of above Contact:
  4. Type of Opportunity:
  5. Description of Opportunity:
  6. Duration of Opportunity
  7. Contact Email Address:
  8. Any additional: comments:
International Opportunities Requested

Please send the Request with the following information to [email protected].

  1. Name of Requestor:
  2. Email Address of Requestor:
  3. Type of Opportunity:
  4. Description of Opportunity:
  5. Duration of Opportunity
  6. Email of the Requestor
  7. Any additional: comments: