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Hungarian Meteorological Society (Magyar Meteorológiai Társaság)

Purpose and Objective

The basic object of the Hungarian Meteorological Society (Magyar Meteorológiai Társaság) is the study of meteorology improving the general education, disseminating meteorological knowledge, the environmental mentality and disseminating new scientific results. The MMT organises scientific meetings and symposia, establishes permanent an ad hoc committees, maintains sections, co-operates with other institutions and international organisations; issues and edit meteorological publications; prepares meteorological studies and awards the outstanding meteorological activities.

Acronym: MMT

Country or Region: Hungary (European Union), Central Europe

Established Since: 1925

Number of Members: 521



President Prof. Dr. Zoltan DUNKEL, [email protected]

[email protected][email protected], [email protected]


  • Biographical encyclopaedia of Hungarian Meteorologists 2004 – in Hungarian
  • The history of MMT since 1925, 2001; in Hungarian

Other Society Information:

Number of Members: 521, Honorary member (home): 12, honorary member (foreigner): 8, honorary president: 1 Legal members: 10


Officers of MMT


Mr. Ákos NÉMETH secretary general

Ms. Kornélia RADICS co-president

Mr. László KOVÁCS co-president

Dr. Tamás WEIDINGER  scientific secretary

Ms. Beáta BALOGH communication secretary

Ms. Edina FEJES executive secretary


Postal Address

1525 Budapest, POB. 25, Hungary
headquarters: 1024 Budapest Kitaibel Pál utca 1


MMT has got 8 professional sections: Agro- and Biometeorological Section, Section for Atmospheric Dynamics, Section for Atmospheric Environment, Sun- and Wind Energy Section, Aviation Meteorology Section, Remote Sensing Section, Róna Zsigmond Youth Club


MMT has got 6 regional/provincial sections: Debrecen, Eger-Bükkvidéki, Pécs, Szeged, Szombathely, and Nyíregyháza


Founding member of European Meteorological Society (EMS), International Forum of Meteorological Societies (IFMS), Member of Hungarian Earth Science Civil Organizations’ Community (FÖCIK)

Member of Global Forum of Agrometeorological Societies (GFAMS)